patriot act with hasan minhaj
Emmy Award® Winner Outstanding Motion Design 2019
Role: Senior Motion Graphics Designer/Animator
Role: Senior Motion Graphics Designer/Animator
As an integral part of the Motion Graphics team, I designed and animated many graphics sequences for all episodes from Season 1 through Season 4 of the show in both 2D and 3D. I oversaw training for other animators and also created templates for the entire team to use to ensure fast turnarounds for this weekly show.
Credits for motion graphics team
Creative Director Season1: Michelle Higa-Fox | Creative Director Season 2-4: Jorge Peischeira
Senior Graphics Producer: Justine Webster | Assistant Graphics Producer: Riaan Weyers
Art Director Seasons 1-4: Yussef Cole, Art Director Season 2: Nick Lim
Art Director Season 3: Joyce N. Ho, Art Direction Season 4: Chris Carboni
Art Director Season 3: Joyce N. Ho, Art Direction Season 4: Chris Carboni
Lead Animators: Paris Glickman, Brandon Sugiyama
Dorca Musseb, Lizzi Stuart, Tynesha Foreman, Alex Pope, Apollo Baldoz, Ryan Mauskopf, Richard Lampasone, Ananya Ghatrazu, Jeejung Kim
Dorca Musseb, Lizzi Stuart, Tynesha Foreman, Alex Pope, Apollo Baldoz, Ryan Mauskopf, Richard Lampasone, Ananya Ghatrazu, Jeejung Kim